Diary Without Pages

Trivia I find Ignored

One Too Many


Trifecta Challenge.

33 words to follow up the prompt. It wasn’t the first time. So here goes.


It wasn’t the first time. She knew what to do. Caressing the length of the rope, she felt the leather. Her fingers twitched.

One whip. Two whip.

Ten whips score

One whip. Two whip.

But one too many


Edit: I, seriously don’t have a clue as to how to reply to the comments below. I mean … I just don’t know what to say … anything and everything will be weird.

Author: Hamza

A college student of 18. With sarcasm as my voice and a proud disregard for rules, I'm looking to shake up the world a little - without sounding incredibly cheesy.

9 thoughts on “One Too Many

  1. oooooooo–naughty!

  2. Naughty naughty!

    Anna :o] at http://puzzelciious.blogspot.com

  3. I stand outside myself and observe those of you who find their pleasure in pain, and silently wonder if anyone else in the dynamik finds pleasure in the pleasure anymore…. yes, Sir… I’m counting… but the steps on the journey, not the blows.

  4. A little 50 shades of taking me to the whipping post huh? WHOO WEE!!!

  5. You’re really bringing out the 50 shades of gray crowd. And they are pretty happy about it.
    Thanks for linking up. Be sure to come back tomorrow for the new prompt.

Reply. It won't hurt, I promise.